Friday, October 8, 2010

Toy Project

Paco the Dinosaur!
Reflective Essay

With Paco, I started creating him by first coloring his skin. After I had the basics covered I moved on to his face and other additional features like the spikes. I think this was a good approach. The only disadvantage I encountered was when I decided to change his skin color and had to work around all the other features.
At first, I used the eyedropper tool to sample colors off the Internet. Eventually I decided the colors just weren’t doin’ it for me, and ended up using the bright green color that was already in Photoshop’s toolbox. I used other Photoshop colors that worked for me for the other features in my toy also.
       My motivation behind this project was mainly just to have fun with it and learn more about Photoshop tools. I didn’t model my toy off a real person or try to make a political statement (obviously…). I thought making a baby dinosaur would be fun and would look simply fabulous sitting in my dorm room. (:

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