Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Scratch Project

Reflective Essay

         Before this project, I had basically no experience in Photoshop. I’ve pretty much just used the InDesign program. In the past I only used Photoshop to change photos to black and white. So needless to say, I found this program just a tad frustrating at first. However, by the third scratch project I was finally starting to get the hang of it and actually enjoy myself. :)

         My favorite tool was the shape tool. I used it in every image. The only thing I don’t like about this tool is how it creates a new layer with every shape I added. In the first project I was really having a hard time managing all the shapes and getting them to look the way I wanted.

         I think my best image is the one with the tree in it. I like how the brown stands out against the lighter colored shapes behind it. This was the only project that I went into with some general idea of what I wanted the final image to look like. 

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