Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Term Project

Term Project Reflection

1. What skills that you acquired over the course of the term have been most helpful to you when it came to the book project?
The skills that helped me most for this project are just an overall knowledge of Photoshop. Before this term, I had never before used this program. Now I feel like I know the tools really well and can use them competently. I created my ENTIRE book in Photoshop. Once I learned how each tool worked I could make any ideas I had into a reality. Sometime I think I may not have used the most efficient way possible but I still got the results I wanted eventually. Another gem of knowledge I gained from this class was the use of a limited palette. I use limited colors for pretty much every project I do now and I think it has really improved my work.

2. When you look back at your choice of book format (art, trade, children’s, etc.) and your specific subject, what design choices did you make along the way that best served your overall plan?
I don’t exactly know how to classify my book but I do know that it wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. I chose to create all of my characters to look cartoon-like in order to serve this purpose. I felt that using real photographs would make the book look more serious than I was going for. I also used a playful, bubbly font on each page. The majority of the colors in the book are bright and fun.
P.S. I added the disclaimer on the back cover after realizing that my creepy guy looked a taaaaad bit like Professor Arellano….I promise this was not intentional and I don’t find him creepy at all!

4. What do you plan to do with your book (sell it, gift it, burn it, etc.)?
I plan to make thousands of copies of my book so that this essential how-to guide can be shared throughout world! Okay, not really. I don’t have any big plans for my stellar book. In reality, it’s probably going to get lost in my dorm room. Maybe I’ll find it as I’m packing up to go home after spring term. I shall then peruse it and reminisce about the good ol’ days spent in DMF 201.

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